You also need to install the Java Foundation Classes (JFC). JFC is available from Sun Microsystems at Please download the latest version available.
In addition to Java, you need the jar executable file. The jar file can be placed anywhere on your computer.
After the jar file is downloaded, to run Universe you must type in the following command at a prompt (make sure you are in the directory where the jar file is located):
Note that the "U" on Universe must be upper case.
If you have the JDK (instead of the JRE), the following command should work:
If you are on a Unix system, use the proper variable substitution and replace the ";" with a ":" ($CLASSPATH:Universe.jar).
If you wish to create the Galaxy using the Gliese Star Catalog data, you must first download the GlieseCatalog.jar file. Put this file the same place you put the Universe.jar file.
This file must be in your classpath. To do this, run Universe this way:
If you are on a Unix system, replace the ";" with a ":" (Universe.jar:GlieseCatalog.jar).
Please feel free to contact me if you have problems with installation or running of the Universe Gaming System.
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Created: 13 Oct 1998
Updated: 13 Oct 1998
© 1998 Universe Dev Team