4. Space Battles
Space battles in Scheme 001 are greatly simplified to what you might
have seen in other games. This was done on purpose for an easy test
of space battle capability.
For simplicities sake, all space battles are system wide. Therefore,
if multiple stations are in a system, they will all be involved in a
battle in that system.
All fleets and stations within the system are considered part of the
battle. If more than two players are in the same system, they will
all fight each other at the same time.
A space battle consists of rounds. Within each round, each
ship/station has the ability to attack once. All attacks and damage
are simultaneous. The space battle will continue until all remaining
ships/stations belong to the same player.
Each ship design has three factors for space battle, the attack
factor, the shield factor, and armor factor. Each station also has
attack factors, shield factors and armor factors. The different
factors are described below.
- Attack Factor -
The attack factor is the weapon of the ship or station. The higher
the number, the better.
- Shield Factor -
The shield factor is the shields of the ship or station. The higher
number, the better. Shields are always full strength at the start of
the battle. Shields will regenerate during each round of the battle.
The rate that shields regenerate is describe below.
- Armor Factor -
The armor factor represents the hull of the ship or station. Damage
to the armor will only happen once the shields have been
- Computer Factor -
This represents the ship's targeting computer, and will enhance
the damage done each turn. Stations do not have targeting
Details of a turn
The parts of each turn is defined below:
- Determine target
- Determine damage
- Destroy any ships/modules
- Regenerate shields
These steps are repeated until there are no enemies left standing.
Determine target
Each ship/station determines a target for the brunt of their attack
this turn. Ships will always be attacked before stations.
Determine damage
Before damage can occur, the probability of damage is determined by
this formula:
prob = (attacking attack factor) + (attack computer factor) -
(defense computer factor)
Damage is then determined as the following:
damage = (prob - random) * (theme damage factor)
random is a random number between 0 and 1. The theme damage factor is
determined by the theme.
The damage value is substracted from the shield of the target. If
there are not enough shields, then the difference is substracted from
the armor. If the armor drops below zero, then the item will blow
up. For ships, this is immediate destruction. For stations, one
module will be selected to be destroyed. Shield modules are always
destroyed first. Attack modules are always destroyed second. If
there are no more shield modules are attack modules, the station is
defenseless and the station will be destroyed.
When a stations modules are destroyed, the appropriate shield and
attack factors will be lowered accordingly.
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Created: 16 Apr 1999
Updated: 20 Apr 1999
© 1999 Universe Dev Team