File Format 001

This is the description of the theme file for Scheme 001. All lines in this theme file have the format as:
key=arg,arg ...
The key determines what the line is defining. The key is always followed by an equal sign. Any arguments that follow the key are always separated by a comma.


The first line of the theme file contains the version of the theme. The version is just the date in a YYYYMMDD format.

An example of the version line is:

This version number is display on the main Universe screen.


Costs are specified in the following format:
The "#" is the ID of that cost. Each cost must have a unique ID. Each tech and module will have associated costs with it.

The other fields are as follows:

See the Techs and Modules sections for examples of this line.


Techs are specified in the following format:
The "#" is the ID of that tech. Each tech must have a unique ID. ID zero (0) is reserved.

The first field is the prerequisites of this tech. If multiple prerequisites are required for this tech, each one is separated by a period. A tech id of "T0" represents no that there are no prerequisites for this tech.

The second field is the research cost for this tech. This field is represented by a cost ID.

The third field is the name of the tech.

An example is below (including the appropriate cost line):

T11=T9.T8,C11,Plasma Technology
This tech, called "Plasma Technology" has techs T9 and T8 as prerequisites and cost C11 as its research cost. Cost C11 is 40 research points.

Ship Modules

Ship modules use the "MH" key (except Colony Modules - see next section.)
The "#" is the ID of that ship module. Each ship module must have a unique ID. ID zero (0) is reserved.

The definition of type is below:

Type Key Value units
Shield SH Shield Points
Attack AT Attack Points
Armor AR Armor Points
FTL Drive DR Parsecs/turn
Fuel FU Parsecs
Scanner SC Parsecs
Power PO Power Points
Computer CO Combat Bonus
Storage ST Resource Points

Ship Colony Modules

Ship Colony Modules use the "MC" key. The following fields are used in the definition of a ship colony module.
The "#" is the ID of that ship colony module. Each ship colony module must have an unique ID. ID zero (0) has a special meaning and is the definition of all starting stations by all players.

The fields are defined as follows:

When designing new colony modules, it would be a good idea for each Colony to have a power module, environmental module and a storage module.

Ship Designs

Ship designs that are known are the start of the game are defined by the key "SD". The SD key has eleven arguments.

Station Modules

Station modules use the "MB" key. The following fields are used in the definition of a station module.
The "#" is the ID of that station module. Each station module must have a unique ID. ID zero (0) is reserved.

The fields are defined as follows:

Type Key Value units
Power PW Power Points
Shield SH Shield Points
Attack AT Attack Points
Station Manufacturing MB Station Manufacturing Points/Economic Point
Ship Manufacturing MH Ship Manufacturing Points/Economic Point
Environmental EV Population Points supported
Scanner SC parsecs
Research RE Research Points/Economic Point
Engineering EN Engineering Points/Economic Point
Storage ST Resource Points
Mining MI Resource points/Economic Points

An example of this line might be:

MB1,T0,C100,C101,Ship Docks,MH,1

Station Theme Factors

Station Theme Factors are store in the file as this format:

where each field of the line are as followed:

An example of this line might be:


Race Designs

Example startup races are stored in the file as this format:
where each field of the line are as followed:

Some examples of this line might be:


There can be multiple example startup races. Race Weights are stored in the file as this format:


where each field of the line are as followed:

An example of this line might be:


Planet Designs

There are two factors that need to be defined for planet designs. These two factors, Mining Factor and Habitation Factor, are represented by distributions. See the Distribution page for specific formats.
PDM=distribution description
PDH=distribution description

An example of these lines might be:


To make the game even, all "home" planets of races will have fixed values. These values are defined in a separate line with key "HPF".

The HPF key has two fields, representing the default mining and default habitation factors.


An example of this line is:


Space Battles

Space battle factors are stored in the following format:
where each field of the line are as followed:

An example of this line might be:


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Created: 31 Aug 1998
Updated: 6 Jun 2001

© 1998 Universe Dev Team