Race 001

This is the representation of the race design.

Different races will have the following attributes available for modification.

All of these factors have "1.0" as the default value. Increasing or decreasing these factors affect the formulas accordingly. For example, a Research Point Production Factor of "1.1" increases the research rate for that rate by 10%.

Modification of these values determines the uniqueness for each race (other than name.) Raising one value will cause the lowering of other values. During race modification, sliders will be used to help facilitate the modification of these values (similar to MOO1's research sliders.)

To help balance the game, each factor will have a "weight" associated with it. These weights will be part of the Theme for the game.

For example, lets say that the Theme says that the Research Point Production Factor has a weight of 2.0 where all other rates have a weight of 1.0. Changing the value of the Research Point Production Factor has twice the effect as other values.

"Default" race:
Factor Value Weight
Attack Factor 1.0 1.0
Defence Factor 1.0 1.0
Mining Factor 1.0 1.0
Population Growth Factor 1.0 1.0
Manufacturing Factor 1.0 1.0
Economic Factor 1.0 1.0
Research Point Production Factor 1.0 2.0
Engineering Point Production Factor 1.0 1.0

"Research" race:
Factor Value Weight
Attack Factor 0.9 1.0
Defence Factor 0.9 1.0
Mining Factor 0.9 1.0
Population Growth Factor 0.9 1.0
Manufacturing Factor 1.0 1.0
Economic Factor 0.9 1.0
Research Point Production Factor 1.3 2.0
Engineering Point Production Factor 0.9 1.0

In this example, the Research Point Production Factor is increased by 0.3. Because of the weight on this factor, this change is represented by an 0.6 increase. This 0.6 change must be distributed out among the other factors as a decrease. In this example, the 0.6 decrease is evenly distributed between the other factors, but any distribution is allowed.

Note that Factors with a higher weight are more "important" and are more "expensive" to raise.

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Created: 31 Aug 1998
Updated: 24 Sep 1998

© 1998 Universe Dev Team