5. Game Windows
This game manual is for Universe version 0.8.
Different windows exist to allow access to the information in the game.
Each display has a special purpose and is explained below.
Results Window
This window displays the results from the last turn.
Here is an example of a results window:
The first line always says the turn number that just has been processed.
Turn 0 is the start of the game. Various other messages about the turns
processing can occur here. These messages might include:
A ship has finished completion construction
Ship has arrived at a destination
Detection of an enemy ship
It would be a wise idea to check this screen at the beginning of every
Double clicking on a line will bring up a window about that result.
For example, double clicking on the "Your home system is Ryget." line brings
up a window about the Ryget star system.
Star Map
This window displays the star map of the galaxy.
An example of a star map is below:
The star map is a representation of a three dimensional galaxy. Because
of the difficulties of describing a three dimensional galaxy on a two dimension
screen, the star map has many options for manipulating the view.
The view that is displayed represents a sphere in space that is projected
on the two dimensional display. There are three axes that are used to describe
the three dimensional space, x, y, and z. These numbers are represented
in parsecs.
To rotate the map click and drag on the picture. The options on
the right will allow you to view different informaion in the picture.
Passing the mouse over a planet will give you details in the information
window (lower right corner).
The x axis is left to right. The y axis is from down to up. The z axis
is from out to in.
To help visualize "where" the stars are located, the "closer" ones (in
the z axis of the screen) to the front of the display are larger than the
"further" ones.
The Label pull down choice changes the words that are printed next to
each star. Their are four choices available:
None (Just display star point)
Distance (in parsecs from "center" star)
The Sphere pull down choice controls the sphere display to help visualize
distances. This sphere is drawn in green. The sphere is drawn by three
circles on each of the three axis planes (x, y, and z.)
Looking at the map, one can see a blue circle around the center star
system (Ryjet). This circle represents a station located in that system.
There is also a fleet located in the Verdisob system. This fleet is
blue and is represented by the small fleet to the lower right of the system.
Both stations and fleets have colors associated with them. The blue
represents that these objects are owned by you. Unknown fleets and stations
show up in red.
Galaxy List
This window displays information about the Galaxies in the game. Currently
only one galaxy is supported but future versions will have the option for
multiple galaxies.
Below is a sample galaxy screen.
Find out more about the operation of the info tree in the Info
Trees section.
System List
This window displays information about the Star Systems in the Galaxy.
An example of a system list is below:
Each system is represented by a system icon, followed by a name. Clicking
on an icon will expand (if possible) the system into the "parts" of the
system. These parts will include planets, stations and fleets located in
that system. Of course, if you haven't explored that system yet, there
will be no information displayed when the icon is clicked. Find out more
about the operation of the info tree in the
Info Trees
Right clicking on a system icon brings up a more detailed view
of that system. This detailed view looks something like the following:
Choosing one of the four buttons on the top will display different information
about the system selected. The following sub sections describe each button
in detail.
5.4.1. Close
This button closes the window.
5.4.2. Info List
The info list some textual information about the star system. An example
of a info list for a star system is above.
5.4.3. Info Tree
The info tree allows you to examine parts of the star system. These parts
might include planets, fleets and stations that are located within the
star system. An example of an info tree is below. Find out more about the
operation of the info tree in the Info Trees section.
5.4.4. Picture
The picture screen allows you to see a graphic of the particular star system.
An example is below.
Planet List
This window displays information about known planets in the game.
Each planet is represented by a planet icon, followed by a name. Clicking
on an icon will expand (if possible) the planet into the "parts" of the
planet. These parts will include stations and fleets located around that
planet. Of course, if you haven't explored that planet yet, there will
be no information displayed when the icon is clicked. An example of a planet
list is below.
Right clicking on a planet icon brings up a more detailed view
of that planet. This detailed view looks something like the following:
Choosing one of the four buttons on the top will display different information
about the planet selected. The following sub sections describe each button
in detail.
5.5.1. Close
This button closes the window.
5.5.2. Info List
The info list some textual information about the planet. The current version
displays the name, mining information and habitation.
5.5.3. Info Tree
The info tree allows you to examine parts of the planet. These parts might
include fleets and stations that are located on the planet surface or orbiting
the planet. An example of an info tree is above. Find out more about the
operation of the info tree in the Info Trees section.
5.5.4. Picture
The picture screen allows you to see a graphic of the particular planet.
An example is below.
Station List
This window displays information about known stations. Clicking
on an icon will expand (if possible) the station into the "parts" of the
station. These parts will include fleets docked in that station. An example
of a station list is below.
Double clicking on a station icon brings up a more detailed view
of that station. This detailed view looks something like the following:
Choosing one of the ten tabs or the button at the top will display different
information about the station selected. The following sub sections describe
each button in detail.
5.6.1. Close
This button closes the window.
5.6.2. Info List
The info list some textual information about the station. An example of
a info list for a station is above.
5.6.3. Info Tree
The info tree allows you to examine parts of the station. These parts might
include fleets docked at the station. Find out more about the operation
of the info tree in the Info Trees section.
5.6.4. Power
Here you can see how much power is produced and adjust where it is used
5.6.5. Economics
This tab allows you to allocate the economics of your planet. By
increasing the value of an item it will get done faster, at the expense
of others taking longer. If you have problems keeping the values
in one place click on the lock box when that value is correct, then adjust
the others.
5.6.6. Resources
If you want to get a break down of your total resources it is all available
on this tab. Here you will see how much resources are produced, consumed
and stored as well.
5.6.7. Station Manufacturing
This tab is where you go to develope items for your station, such as Ship
Docks, Factories, or Scanners.
5.6.8. Ship Manufacturing
When you are ready to build ships (you have a Ship Dock) you need to access
this tab.
5.6.9. Research
You can start research (once you have built a Research item from the Station
Manufacturing) to improve your tech here. The items you can research
depends on the Scheme and Theme you chose at the beginning of the game.
5.6.10. Engineering
Currently there is nothing you can do on this tab, however, in the future
it should function just like the Research tab. The only difference
here is that the Research tab is developing the tech, the Engineering tab
is putting it to use.
5.6.11. Image
This tab will provide an image of your base. Currently nothing is
Fleet List
This window displays information about known fleets in the game.
Each fleet is represented by a fleet icon, followed by a name. An example
of a fleet list is below.
Double clicking on a fleet icon brings up a more detailed view
of that fleet. This detailed view looks something like the following:
Choosing one of the six tabs or the button on the top will display different
information about the fleet selected. The following sub sections describe
each button in detail.
5.7.1. Close
This button closes the window.
5.7.2. Info List
The info list some textual information about the fleet. An example of a
info list for a fleet is above.
5.7.3. Info Tree
The info tree allows you to examine parts of the fleet. These parts might
include the ships in the fleet. Find out more about the operation of the
info tree in the Info Trees section.
5.7.4. Ships
This button displays the names of individual ships in the fleet.
5.7.5. Orders
This screen allows you to enter orders for the fleet. The only current
functional order is to move the fleet. An example of an order screen is
On the left side are the available orders. On the right side are the
pending orders. Highlighting a particular order on the left side, then
pressing "add" button, creates a pending order in the queue. These pending
orders will be processed when the turn is submitted.
When a fleet is selected to move, the following star map will open up,
click on the planet you want your fleet to travel to. A cross will
appear on the planet, now click on submit and your orders are on their
5.7.7. Organize
This area currently does nothing.
5.7.8. Image
This button currently displays nothing.
Research List
This window displays information about research. An example of the
screen is below:
Each of the sub sections below covers a specific tab within this window.
5.8.1. Close
This button will close the window.
5.8.2. Ship Designs
This is the screen you see above. It shows you the current ship designs,
selecting a design lists what tech that design is equiped with.
5.8.3. Engineering
Here you can see the currently available and engineered ship designs.
5.8.4. Research
All of your known technology and researchable technology is shown in this
Alien List
This window displays information about other known alien races.
Query Window
This window allows the user to make advanced queries of the database. This
window is not currently supported.
5.11. Info Trees
Info trees are an important part of the Universe Gaming System to get information
about various parts of the game. All info trees contain icons displayed
in a tree like fashion. Things that are contained "within" other things
are displayed as a branch of the tree. For example, a system contains planets,
so the system has a branch with all of the planets.
The info tree has functionality similar to various GUI file managers
available in different operation systems (like MS Explorer). Clicking on
an icon will expand that icon's tree (if it can be expanded.)
or Double clicking on an icon brings up a more detailed screen about
that particular object.
Each icon is surrounded by a color. The colors have the following meanings:
blue - Owned by you
orange - explored
red - Owned by an unknown race
As more functionality is added to the game, there will be more colors added.
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Created: 27 Jan 1997
Updated: 05 Jan 1999
© 1997, 1998, 1999 Universe Dev Team